How to Master Reading... In 7 Simple Steps:

TOTAL' PHONIC Beginning-to-advanced Reading Method to teach anyone, ages 2 to 92, to learn to read well ... in 7 key building steps.


How to Master Reading... in 7 Simple Steps:

Teach your child or students, Ages 2-92, to learn how to read well 'phonicly'


What to Know to Read Right… Like a PRO (Phonic-Reading-Only)

7 effective, grade-less, self-paced, BEGINNING-INTERMEDIATE-ADVANCED steps
… each at one's own learning pace & ability... to excel in reading
... in the most effective, fastest, easiest way... learning more in less time.

Good News: Common-sense Learning Method to be Expert Readers... is Back




Before 1980 … America was #1 in reading and math in the world rank of education. All levels of beginning-intermediate-advanced phonics & math basics were taught.

After 1980 ... to today... With new methods, America fell to 25 th in reading & 30 th in math in the world rank of education (and continues to drop ).

Make America #1 again in all-level basics... of total phonic reading, writing, math. After 40+ years, bring back #1 classic beginning-advanced basics that work.

Complete Proven Phonic Reading Method Returns ... with Excellent Results

1 simple, logical, grade-less, self-paced, master step method works best for all ages 2-92 with classic basics that work …

to teach America & the world to read well. How?

1 HOME/SCHOOL Handbook Learning Tool... Go-to-Book for Basics

7 clear, direct, grade-less, self-paced, steps “plus part 2” … needed writing, math basics...

to ace 3 R's of total phonic reading+writing, math … better together... in-1-book

Every Child & Adult Get Ahead in Total Phonic Reading +

The easy explanation of the big picture/master key of complete phonic reading opens the door to knowledge & understanding of how words and all reading works

Any Reader Can Now Teach Others the Big Picture of Total Reading... with 1 Book

7 Master Key Reading Rules give “word attack” skills to understand how words work to “sound-out” all words. Point to each syllable, as you “sound out”.

What People Say About the Book:

1. “Amazing book to raise reading levels! My 3 rd grader had a 1 st grade level. After 7 lessons in 2 months, her reading was up to 4th grade level, 7th grade level in 6 mos. I recommend this book to all parents, as the 'go-to' basics book to reach desired levels............................. S. Miller
2. Quality method. Best value: Easy-as-it-gets explanation parents need to the get job done.....J. Hales
3. “I wanted my child to be a good reader. Started with letters before age 3. With this guide he could read almost everything by age 7. A WOW book. Just follow each page in the steps..... L. Lentz
4 “My son was failing 6th grade. All A’s after 7th gr... to a HS reading level. It saved his life.... D.Smith


America was once #1 in reading & math in the world rank of education. No longer. As computers and new methods entered lower grades after 1980, America fell to 25th in reading and 30th in math. Now 2/3 of 8th grade students are below reading/math proficiency levels, and still dropping.

Why? ...

Students learn slow 'dumbed-down details only”, scattered by 'slow learn-by-grade' & online learning. Simple explanations are lost. Result: Less/slower learning... confusion and inconsistent learning. Basic concepts missed? Problems exist. For young children: Learn basics first before computers. Many high school seniors, after 13 yrs in school, are below proficiency... unable to read, write, spell or do math well. The US Dept. of Ed statistics states: 54% of adults are below 6th grade reading level. 21% of adults cannot read. Make America #1 again in total phonic reading, writing, math

Why is Total Phonics Best?

Fitting details into the 'Big Picture' of any subject is faster, easier, better than slow 'details only' methods. 'Big Picture 7-Step Master Reading Key” reveals the real reasoning of how words really work to figure-out/sound-out words with 7 true rules to be phenomenal phonic readers, who can read/spell over 90% of 400,00+ possible words the English language,, which is much better than “Whole-Language”, which averages the memorization of only 3,000-6,000 words, and creates problems in learning to read. And Whole Language is still taught in 72% of schools. Which is better, sounding out 400,000 plus words or memorizing 3000-6000 words?

“Phonics vs. Whole Language History”:

Before 1980.. reading scores were good with phonics. .. and there was one Dept of Health, Education & Welfare. In 1980, they separated. The new Dept of Education started. It was thought that new Whole Language would be easier than phonics. Reading scores dropped. “New Math” scores also dropped. Parents complained. Just beginning phonics returned (intermediate/advanced phonics had slow, confusing explanation, making learning confusing).

Home/School Handbook Tool and Go-to-book for basics...

Clear and direct master step method for all ages at own pace works best. Ages 7-adult learn more quickly than ages 2-7, learning very quickly. (Those with learning difficulties take longer.) Keep education simple, logical, direct, consistent and common-sense. Be in control of the important concepts to know.

Good Readers are made, not born. With reading, you always have a friend, never alone.

Treasured Master Key of the Inventors of Reading Each Generation Needs to Succeed to ... Teach America and the World How to Read Well Phonically:

All ages enjoy interesting, fun stories, which help to easily explain, learn, remember concepts. Each time Alph & Bet (inventors of reading and the world's 1 st teachers) ran out of words, they invented a new rule, until all the world's words were invented to teach the world to read. Long lost. Now found to bring “classic” basics back to teach America and the world to read. Helps other methods. With right information anything can get done.

Ages 2-7: 'Every Child Get Ahead':

Simple. Just master each each page & step before the next. Everyone learns at different speeds. Young children learn to read between ages 2-7. Anyone who can talk, can begin letters/sounds between ages 2-5. Ages 3-5 sound-out simple words. Ages 5-6 read simple words/books. By age 7, be above grade level. By age 10 read HS levels.

Ages 7-adult: 'Catch-up and Get Ahead':

Older remedial, weak, struggling & non-readers... everyone start on step 1 to learn the “Big Picture” and how details fit in. Ages 7+ quickly learn. 1 simple diagnostic test for remedial readers is included to see what concepts were missed... plus a 1 page “Big Picture” of Reading. Weak students do not know the important short/long vowel sounds and what they do, which is where the problems begin. Most vowels are short.... Facts like this help so much. Everyone will learn things to clarify reading in steps 1-7. Just master each step before the next. Everyone learns differently. Some learn in an hour per step... or more quickly or slowly to “get-the- point” of each step. Practice reading 15 min/day to most rapidly reach highest reading levels

7 Steps of the Inventors of Reading: Together in 1 book... to learn at-your-own-pace , for example, to go from 'i' 'in' 'instant' .. to 'instantaneous' 'instantaneously, using word skills in 7 true rules.

In 7 Steps Learn to:

Reason-Out-All-Reading to ...

Sound-Out-All-Reading to ....

with Word-Attack-Skills ....

to be Wizards-of-Words!...





which teaches critical thinking/reasoning

1 syllable at a time to figure-out words

use 7 rules to sound-out words

WOW Readers!

Common-sense Learning: What Everyone Needs to know to Ace the 3 R's Basics


Carol D'Amico: is a parent of 3 daughters and a grandparent of 4. She was an elementary teacher, then a reading specialist for 20+ years. Why? She saw the need to find the most effective, fastest & easiest way to explain the 7 steps to be phenomenal phonic readers, who understand why and how letters and words work. With the right information, learning to read is quicker, easier... and more effective than any other method... to learn to be fine phonic readers.

She began a tutoring service for remedial, struggling, weak & non-readers (ages 7+ through adult). Results were excellent. Method can be used alone or with a group/class, as long as all are on the same step ... and improve any reading method already in use.

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